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On the move

On the move

People tend to move quite often in the USA. Some move to find a better or a cheaper home, while teenagers and young adults often move to study or because they are changing jobs. The average American will move about eleven times in their life.

Rob and Tina have lived in various places in the USA. They have both visited a number of other states, as well. Listen to them talking about the differences they have noticed, and what they feel about their home town.

Part 1: Rob

Before you listen

When Rob finished school, he decided to move. Choose the reasons you think he gives for this.
Then listen to this conversation and find out if you were right.

Rob moved because he wanted to

work in a different state
get away from his family
go surfing
live in a larger town
study in the same place as his girlfriend
live close to the mountains


© Kemter/iStockphotos



Now do Part 1: Getting the gist.

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Part 2: Tina

Before you listen

Tina grew up in New York City. Which of these things do you think she noticed when she went to other
places in the USA? Choose from the list, then listen to this conversation and find out if you were right.

the food was different
people used cars more
children played outdoors more
people did not lock their front doors
people were more friendly than in New York
life was slower in smaller places
people talk about the weather more than in New York


© DRB-Images-LLC/iStockphotos


Now do Part 2: Checking details.

Part 1: Getting the gist

Only some of these sentences are true. Decide which are true and which are false. Click Start to see the first sentence.