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The Heartland

The Heartland

Part 1: City of Five Flags

Paula lives in a small city called Dubuque. It has a population of about 60,000 and lies next to
a well-known river. Listen to Paula talking about how her hometown got its nickname.


Now do Part 1: Getting the gist.

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Part 2: Iowa

Iowa is a farming state that produces large quantities of corn and soyabeans. But it is also known for
many other things. Listen to Paula talking about people, activities and events in her home state.


Now do Part 2: Getting the gist and Word building.

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Part 3: Dubuque

Dubuque is quite an old city and it still has many picturesque old buildings in the city centre. In the late 1800s it was the centre of a wagon building industry that once employed a third of the city’s population. The wagons were of very high quality and were exported as far as South Africa.


Now do Part 3: Checking details and Your turn to talk.

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Part 3: Checking details

Find five facts about Dubuque in Paula’s description of her home city. Write down key words as you listen. Then check your facts with the transcript.
