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Are you a fun fact genius? Try this quiz about England! See how fast you can find the right answers.

  1. Where in England do they have a liquorice festival?
  2. How far apart are England and France?
  3. What is the highest temperature ever recorded in England?
  4. How many times have the Olympic Games been held in London?
  5. How many bridges and tunnels are there over/under the River Thames?
  6. What is England’s oldest tourist attraction?
  7. What was the official language in England from 1066 to 1362?
  8. Are public schools open to all children?
  9. Which English village declared itself independent from the UK in 1977, and what else is it famous for?
  10. Which English city was ruled the longest by the Vikings?
  11. Which is the oldest publishing house in the world?
  12. Why is there no country name on British stamps?
  13. What is the statue of Eros at Picadilly Circus in London made of?
  14. Where was the world’s first computer made and when?
  15. How many people died in the Great Fire of London?
  16. What English play is produced most often in the world?
  17. How many umbrellas are lost on the Tube every year?
  18. Who was the last prisoner to be held at the Tower of London?
  19. The Beatles used two other names first. What were they?
  20. Where is the original London Bridge now?

You get 1 point for every correct answer.

17−20An absolute genius!
13−16Some good guesswork?
9−12Not too bad.
8 or underBetter luck next time!