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13 The Lion’s Den 1

Choose the right alternative.

lions den.jpg

THE KING of the animals a meeting in his den. “Order!” he shouted. “Order!”

all the trumpeting and baying and croaking and barking and hissing and laughing and subsided. “That’s enough of that,” said lion. “Right! First on the agenda. my den smell?”

“Smell?” said skunk.

“Everything ,” said owl.

does it smell?” said lion.

“To tell you the , lion,” said dog, “and not to about the , to come straight to the point of the …”

“Get with it!” said lion.

“Not good, lion,” said dog. “In fact, it smells something .”

“How you?” roared lion. And he the honest dog to pieces. Then the king of the animals glared all the creatures in his den. “All right,” he , “how does den smell?”