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Lenker til Crossroads 10A

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Go to: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

0100_Kap1.gif Chapter 1 The Commonwealth of Nations

The Commonwealth of Nations

The who, where and what of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Commonwealth Countries

Learn more about the Commonwealth of Nations. This website offers information about member countries and provides links to each individual country.

The CIA World Factbook

The CIA World Factbook provides detailed information about the background, the geography, the population and politics on every country in the world – the Commonwealth included.


Learn more about “the land down under”.

Australian Wildlife

Informative and fun website on cute, strange, dangerous and fascinating animals inhabiting Australia.


Who are the Aboriginals? What happened to them when the Europeans arrived? This website from the Australian Museum offers insight on their background with timelines.


Learn more about India.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi continues to provide inspiration to the whole world. Learn more about the humble giant.


Learn more about Canada.


Learn more about the reggae island of Jamaica.

Bob Marley

Check out the Bob Marley official homepage – his biography and legacy.

South Africa

Learn more about South Africa.

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0200_Kap2.gif Chapter 2 Explore

The Race for the South Pole

Find out more about Amundsen and Scott’s expeditions to the South Pole. This website from BBC gives a detailed account on how the men prepared for and went through with the expeditions.

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the world’s highest mountain. Climbing this peak in the Himalayas requires a good physique, careful planning and oxygen. Learn more about the history of this majestic mountain.

The Kon-Tiki Museum

Visit the Kon-Tiki Museum and learn more about Thor Heyerdahl’s many expeditions.

Yoga Programs

Are you interested in yoga? This website offers a variety of programs if you’re ready to get involved.

Milestones in Space Photography

Visit this National Geographic photo gallery and learn about the exploration of space through pictures.


The universe is infinite. Check out NASA’s homepage to get information about our solar system and the individual planets.


Learn more about the Tangaroa expedition.

Cecilie Skog

Visit Cecilie Skog’s blog.

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0300_Kap3.gif Chapter 3 The Blue Planet

Photo Gallery: Landscapes

What a wonderful world! Check out this inspirational photo gallery on National Geographic and discover the diversity and beauty of our planet.

Photo Gallery: Animals

What amazing creatures! Check out this inspirational photo gallery on National Geographic and discover fascinating fauna worldwide.

World Wildlife Fund

Visit World Wildlife Fund. They provide information on endangered species and the challenges we face with regards to climate changes.

Global Warming

What is global warming? National Geographic gives you facts and figures on the greenhouse effect and related topics.

Go Green!

51 things we can do to save the environment.

The UN

Learn more about the United Nations.

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0400_Kap4.gif Chapter 4 Changes

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Mike Hoffman was one of the founders of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Learn more about their organization on this website.

Global March Against Child Labour

Kaylash Satyarthy and his organization work hard to put an end to child labour all over the world. Find out more about the Global March Against Child Labour and how they operate.


Visit the LLH (Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner) and find out about the situation for persons attracted to the same sex in Norway.

Northern Ireland

Learn more about Northern Ireland, including information on the different religious groups.

Women's Liberation

Thorough introduction to feminism and women’s liberation, including links to other websites.

Women and the Vote

Women and the vote – Check out some of the Suffragettes’ original petitions and banners.

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0500_Kap5.gif Chapter 5 Media Voices

Seattle Times

Read the article by Nancy Bartley about Charlie and "the Land of the Midnight Sun" in The Seattle Times.


Adresseavisen interviewed Charlie Kinder while he visited Norway in 2005.

The Watergate Story

Learn more about The Washington Post story that lead to the fall of a President.

Xfm Scotland (Beat 106)

Beat 106 has changed its name to Xfm Scotland. Visit the site and experience what they’re all about.

Make Your Own Commercial

This website allows you to create your own ad with photos and slogans and gives you some info on basic principles of advertising.

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0600_Kap6.gif Chapter 6 Expressions

Caves of Altamira

Learn more about the cave of Altamiraon Unesco's website.

Bridgeview School of Fine Art

Bridgeview School of Fine Art (film)

Check out Bridgeview School of Fine Art in New York.

Leonardo da Vinci

Visit this interactive website on Leonardo da Vinci.

Antoni Gaudi

Find out more about Antoni Gaudi's architectural treasures on this website providing information and an abundance of photos.

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0700_Kap7.gif Chapter 7 William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Learn more about William Shakespeare. This website gives you an insight to the life and times of the bard from Avon.

Romeo and Juliet

Educational website with information and commentaries on the play, including character analyses, critical essays and quiz.

Shakespeare's Globe

Visit Shakespeare’s Globe online.

British Shakespeare Company

Find out more about the British Shakespeare Company.

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0800_Kap8.gif Chapter 8 We are the Future

Hair and Hairstyles

Interested in hair and hairtstyles? Visit this website for styling tips, Q&A and inspirational photos.

Vets for Pets

Did you like the text about the vet students? Find out more on veterinary science on the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science website.

Norwegian Aviation Museum

Learn more about flying and airplanes on the Norwegian Aviation Museum websit. Don't miss out on the virtual roundtrip!

Vancouver Fire Department

Visit Vancouver Fire Department online.


Are you thinking about studying abroad? This website offers information on educational opportunities for students who wish to study in another country.

Go Global

Check out international study programs and courses.

You are the Future!

What do you want to do in the future? Read on to find out about education and job opportunities on this informative Norwegian website. The future is yours!

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Foto: © kycstudio (1), © Amanda Rohde (2), © Nannucci (3), © Paul Hardy / Corbis (4), © Louie Psihoyos / Corbis (5), © Shelagh Duffett (6), © Nathan Benn / Corbis (7), © Ashley Cooper / Corbis (8)