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Go to: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

CR9A1.gif Chapter 1 The USA

US History

Let this be your front-row seat to US history.

History of the USA

Educational website on the history of USA. Aimed at young people, comprehensible time line encompassing major events, richly illustrated. Quiz!

US Geography

Educational website on the geography of USA. Aimed at young people, encompassing key facts about all the states, richly illustrated. Quiz!

The White House

Latest news from the White House.

New York Visitors’ Information

What to do in NYC?

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CR9A2.gif Chapter 2 Move Your Body

Liverpool Football Academy

Did the LIFA Academy grasp your interest? Check out the Academy’s self presentation on the official LIPA website.

Tore André Flo

Fan of Tore André Flo? Get to know the facts of his career.

Rugby Rules

Rugby has rules? Yes! Learn more about the basic concepts and be introduced to some simplified rules.

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CR9A3.gif Chapter 3 Film Magic

Charlie Chaplin

Check out Charlie Chaplin's official website.

New York Film Academy

Learn more about the New York Film Academy.

Johnny Depp

Catch the latest news about Johnny Depp on Twitter.

John Bader

Follow John Bader on Twitter.

The Stunt Man

Visit Jim Dowdall’s homepage.

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CR9A4_000.gif Chapter 4 Both Sides of Law

Restorative Justice

This website gives an overview of what Restorative Justice is all about. You will find definititions, slideshows and beginner's tutorials.

The Bloody Tower

Find out more about the ghosts that roam the dark rooms of the Bloody Tower.

The Sherlock Holmes Museum i London

Welcome to 221b Baker Street! Learn more about Sherlock Holmes on this museum website.

Johnny Cash

The official Johnny Cash homepage includes biography, news, audio material, videos and much more. Enjoy!

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CR9A5_000.gif Chapter 5 The Dream of America

Immigration to the USA

The USA is a nation of immigrants. Where did they all come from? And why? This website offers a short introduction to the historic immigration to the USA.

US Population

Learn about the population distribution in the USA in the 20th century.

Norwegian Migration to America

The Promise of America. Learn more about Norwegian emigration to America and Norwegian-American history 1825–2000. This website includes timeline, photos, videos and audio material.

The USA in the 1800s

What happened to Norwegian immigants when they arrived in America? This website sheds light on some of the challenges they came across.

Italians in America

Check out this website to learn more about Italian immigration to the USA.

Ole, Lena and Sven

Have a laugh at the jokes about Ole, Lena and Sven.

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CR9A6_002.gif Chapter 6 Shadows of the Past

The Old West

Check out this website to learn more about life and events in the old and sometimes wild west.

Native Americans

Learn more about Native American culture, society and heritage on this website offering insights to Indian legends, historic events and persons as well as recipes and words of wisdom.

The Wounded Knee Museum

The official website for the Wonded Knee Museum, dedicated to history of the American Indians.

Civil Rights Timeline

Milestones in the modern civil rights movement, including information on The Greensboro Sit-ins, Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.

The King Center

“The King Center” is dedicated to share information on Martin Luther King as well as on ongoing efforts to fulfill his dream in America and the world.

I Have a Dream

Background and transcript from Martin Luther King's famous speech "I Have a Dream".

Rosa Parks

Learn more about Rosa Parks, her life and role in the American civil rights movement.

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CR9A7.gif Chapter 7 In Vogue


Richly illustrated website on fashion history, costume history, clothing, fashions and social history.

What is Fashion?

Fashion is change. Fashion is big business. Fashion is an endless popularity contest. Get to know the whats and whys of fashion.

Retro Fashion

Learn more about the fashion and fads of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.


Learn more about Twiggy – a fashion icon of the 1960s, acknowledged as the world's first supermodel.

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Foto: © Kurt De Bruyn (1), © Knud Nielsen (2), © Gianluca Camporesi (3), © Mphotoi.com (4), © Matej Michelizza (5), © Edvard S. Curtis / Corbis (6), © Laurin Rinder (7)